Tim, I wanted to THANK YOU so very much for forwarding the video of Fr. White. What a spiritual man. You are to be commended for
the professional presentation you put together, It is "AWESOME" to say the least. My wife was very choked up from the very beginning.
You see last October she was diagnosed with breast cancer and the only phrase she constantly said and prayed about was what Jesus and
Fr. White repeated "BE NOT AFRAID. The cancer was caught very early and after surgery and 20 rounds of radiation the doctors feel all was
successful. But I still never stop praying for her. Thanks again for sharing this wonderful video.
I have a very new perspective and a new found respect for Fr. White.
Kenneth B.
Congratulations on the video - it is amazing!
I shared it yesterday! I watched it - it is FANTASTIC!!!!!
Tiffany P.
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