Falling in love with God- A Servidora Story

 A beautiful documentary about one young woman's journey of faith and falling in love with her creator.

Original music by Amick Cutler and Roger Stark provided by Audiio

Rose Andrus- A Life of Unconditional Love and Surrender to God

Journey with Mrs. Rose Andrus, as she tells her life story of heartbreak, surrender to God, and her ultimate reflection of his unconditional love. 

 Father Kyle White-  Be not afraid

A vocation story of surrender and spiritual fatherhood with Fr Kyle White

Father Kyle White is a Priest of Jesus Christ currently

serving as Pastor of Saint Leo The Great in Lafayette LA

Sister Tracey Dugas- A Story of Faith and Hope

The Daughters of Saint Paul , also known as the Media Nuns, is a Roman Catholic international religious congregation founded in 1915 in Italy.

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